Search found 6 matches

by dugolf
Tuesday 20 December 2016 21:47
Forum: Heating/cooling
Topic: RFLink not sending to Smartware Radiator
Replies: 11
Views: 4628

Re: RFLink not sending to Smartware Radiator

I got a remote control smartwares SH5-TDR-A - I can paire it with the smartwares radiator valve SH5-RDV-A When I press the up arrow the valve switch to day config When I press the down arrow the valve swich to nigth config When the rflink is connected to my PC windows, with the arduino serial ...
by dugolf
Saturday 17 December 2016 12:29
Forum: Heating/cooling
Topic: RFLink not sending to Smartware Radiator
Replies: 11
Views: 4628

Re: RFLink not sending to Smartware Radiator

Hi, I have the same problem with a smartwares radiator device. My config is: - Raspberry Pi Model B - Domoticz V3.6179 - RFLink V1.1 R45 - Smartwares radiator valve SH5-RDV-A I have tried the two methods: - Create a manual ligth switch : - Select - Hardware: RFLINK - Switch Type : On/Off - Type ...
by dugolf
Sunday 24 April 2016 10:09
Forum: RFLink Transceiver
Topic: oregon sensors in Dz
Replies: 10
Views: 6242

Re: oregon sensors in Dz

I think if there is a problem, it's in Plugin_048.c: For THN132N (id == 0xea4c): Serial.print(F(";Oregon Temp;ID=")); // Label PrintHexByte(osdata[3]); PrintHexByte(osdata[2]); For THGR228N (id == 0x1a2d): Serial.print(F(";Oregon TempHygro;ID=")); // Label PrintHexByte(osdata[1]); PrintHexByte ...
by dugolf
Saturday 23 April 2016 20:49
Forum: RFLink Transceiver
Topic: oregon sensors in Dz
Replies: 10
Views: 6242

Re: oregon sensors in Dz

Test with RFLink_v1.1_r37 1 - THN132N simulation When i send EA4C106F30119003 the message is recognized by rflink as: 20;6E;Oregon Temp;ID=6F10;TEMP=0071;BAT=OK; The ID is 6F10 where 10 is the channel 2 - THGR228N simulation When i send 1A2D40C45021700639 the message is recognised by rflink as: 20 ...
by dugolf
Saturday 13 February 2016 18:39
Forum: RFLink Transceiver
Topic: oregon sensors in Dz
Replies: 10
Views: 6242

Re: oregon sensors in Dz

I have downloaded the firmware RFLink_v1.1_r37 and it is working properly without any modification using the "Arduino oregon sensor simulator" above
Thanks to Stuntteam
by dugolf
Thursday 12 November 2015 16:55
Forum: RFLink Transceiver
Topic: oregon sensors in Dz
Replies: 10
Views: 6242

Re: oregon sensors in Dz

Hi With Domoticz Version: 2.3397 and RfLink V1.1 r30 with the plugon 48 as below and the arduino simulator of an oregon Temp/Humidity ; it is ok the sensor is detected. RfLink plugin_048.c: The plugin is updated to remove the first 4 bits of the message which are the 4 bits of synchro ...