Search found 6 matches

by aalwash
Monday 02 April 2018 11:47
Forum: Heating/cooling
Topic: Keeping Toon hacked
Replies: 1
Views: 1074

Keeping Toon hacked

Hi everyone, After a few upgrades, it started to annoy me that some configs are overwritten, causing SSH or the web URL to break and/or not accessible. So I made a small script, that should be placed in /etc/inittab which will be executed on every restart. You can find the script here: https ...
by aalwash
Friday 02 February 2018 11:27
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: Issues with long PHP script
Replies: 7
Views: 2054

Re: Issues with long PHP script

Oke, now I see what you mean.
Didn't check it on Domoticz logs level how much difference there is between JSON and MQTT.

In that case, JSON is idd faster.

Like you already mentioned, maybe it's the order process of Domoticz that is causing the big delay
by aalwash
Friday 02 February 2018 11:15
Forum: LUA
Topic: NMAP problems
Replies: 2
Views: 730

Re: NMAP problems

Just an idea Maybe add a variable, that is updated when the "first" time the TV is been detected "not responding" The second time, you check the if the variable is on "Off" and when did this happen (timestamp). If this is longer then 65sec ago, then put the switch to 'Off'. If not, don't do anything ...
by aalwash
Friday 02 February 2018 11:01
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: Issues with long PHP script
Replies: 7
Views: 2054

Re: Issues with long PHP script

Not sure what you tested exactly? MQTT is fast and the publishes are instant. Remember If you change something (turn switch on/off) and you don't see that the interface, doesn't mean the publish is slow. The interface refreshes every X seconds. Below a simple test, to show you how fast it is. <?php ...
by aalwash
Thursday 01 February 2018 13:53
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: MQTT Advice / Tips
Replies: 1
Views: 1337

Re: MQTT Advice / Tips

Use Node-RED, to convert the Milight JSON to a understandable Domoticz JSON (including IDX) and publish that on MQTT or do a HTTP-JSON call Either using the build in 'split' blocks or make a simple JS function that returns the correct JSON format that Domoticz understands Here are some examples how ...
by aalwash
Thursday 01 February 2018 13:40
Forum: PHP and all others
Topic: Issues with long PHP script
Replies: 7
Views: 2054

Re: Issues with long PHP script

Not sure if you're in the position to use MQTT? Here is a (extra) idea. Next to Egregius advice to run it in background, you can tell Domoticz to publish all changes to MQTT. Then you can make a simple PHP script (that run "endlessly") and listens to the topic "domoticz/out" So when the door sensor ...