Search found 6 matches

by jimicek
Friday 22 February 2019 8:24
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: pywws posting to Domoticz
Replies: 1
Views: 718

Re: pywws posting to Domoticz

Hello, my pywws weather station was sending data to Weatherunderground, and Domoticz downloaded it back. Now I created a pywws template and shell script to transfer weather data directly. Virtual sensors of adequate type must be created, and their numbers filled in the shell script This all is ...
by jimicek
Thursday 20 September 2018 10:28
Forum: Others
Topic: domoticz in synology as package! Available now.
Replies: 1864
Views: 351820

Re: domoticz in synology as package! Available now.

Hi Jumbotroll, please what is the last available Domoticz version for Synology DSM-5.2? At I found for my DS213 the last stable version Domoticz v3.0.5877-7 and the last beta domoticz_88f6282-5.2_3.0.8922-7.spk. Is possible to compile some new version for this NAS (either by you, or ...
by jimicek
Thursday 11 January 2018 14:24
Forum: LUA
Topic: enable/disable thermostat timers
Replies: 2
Views: 1240

Re: enable/disable thermostat timers

answering myself : following command makes the needed timer modification for termostat:

by jimicek
Thursday 11 January 2018 11:53
Forum: LUA
Topic: enable/disable thermostat timers
Replies: 2
Views: 1240

enable/disable thermostat timers

Tried to disable timers via script - this goes well using /json.htm?type=command&param=disabletimer&idx=timerID However this doesnot work for thermostat timers. What command modification is needed? From following timers listing is clear, that thermostats have own timerIDs and the command should ...
by jimicek
Tuesday 21 November 2017 14:41
Forum: LUA
Topic: Playing Doorbell Sound on Xiaomi Gateway
Replies: 5
Views: 2976

Re: Playing Doorbell Sound on Xiaomi Gateway

Hi, this is a portion of code which works in my Domoticz: commandArray = {} -- sound values: -- 10 = Doorbell -- 20 = Knock -- 30 = Hilarious -- 40 = Alarm clock sound = 10 volume = 10 if devicechanged['Zvonek Xiaomi'] == 'Closed' then commandArray['Xiaomi Gateway Volume']='Set Level '..tostring ...
by jimicek
Monday 09 October 2017 10:10
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - Module Moonphases
Replies: 50
Views: 9381

Re: Dashticz - Module Moonphases

I think there is an error in the moon script: "waardecheck" should be replaced by "is_waxing" to give the correct moon phase picture