Search found 3 matches
- Monday 29 January 2018 13:27
- Forum: dzVents
- Topic: how to format string
- Replies: 1
- Views: 383
how to format string
Hello, Here is a small script to write the temperature in a virtual text device return { on = { devices = { 'Météo St-Jean de Braye' } }, execute = function(domoticz, device) local afficheur = domoticz.devices('T° St-Jean de Braye') -- Nom de l'afficheur à mettre à jour afficheur.updateTemperature(to ...
- Thursday 17 August 2017 11:43
- Forum: dzVents
- Topic: change status device
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1395
Re: change status device
Thank you for your help. The script is functionning, I've just some problems with communication beetween OWL CM180+ and RFXCom. In normal situation, the CM180 sends information every minute, but sometimes, there is nothing during 20 minutes. I notice, this situation appears since last beta upgrade ...
- Wednesday 16 August 2017 15:57
- Forum: dzVents
- Topic: change status device
- Replies: 3
- Views: 1395
change status device
Hello, May be my question is stupid but I don't find the solution. How to make the same thing in dzVents than in LUA : local capteurGlobal = 'Consommation Electrique' commandArray = {} if (devicechanged[capteurGlobal]) then -- Do something end return commandArray capteurGlobal is a OWL CM180+ which ...