Search found 3 matches

by Sundown89
Monday 12 June 2017 16:56
Forum: Bash / PowerShell / Batch etc.
Topic: Script to get JPEG snapshot from RTSP-stream (ffmpeg)
Replies: 49
Views: 132106

Re: [Bash] Script to get JPEG snapshot from RTSP-stream (ffmpeg)

I have a sp009a to and these commands work for me: 10 sec video: ffmpeg -rtsp_transport -udp_multicast -i rtsp://user:password@ipcam:554/onvif1 -vcodec copy -t 10 -y /home/user/sricam.avi image: ffmpeg -rtsp_transport -udp_multicast -i rtsp://user:password@ipcam:554/onvif1 -f image2 -vframes 1 -pix ...
by Sundown89
Saturday 10 June 2017 21:15
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Dashticz - Feature Requests
Replies: 391
Views: 103644

Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests


I would like Spotify integration. I have multiroom audio using RPi's as Spotify Connect devices. See github here.

Currently I am using my android phone as the remote to control them. Would be nice to control the devices from the tablet on the wall through Dashticz.
by Sundown89
Saturday 10 June 2017 14:02
Forum: LUA
Topic: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom
Replies: 144
Views: 54928

Re: Lua script for controlling humidity in the bathroom

Hi all, Really like this script! However, I control my home ventilation box (Buva Q-stream) with a KaKu ACM-LV10. This functions like a dimmer, so it uses percentages to control the unit. I can still turn it on and off, but I always keep it turned on at a low percentage, say 20%. I already used the ...