Search found 35 matches

by MsbS
Wednesday 23 January 2019 9:39
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - Tablet Hardware
Replies: 35
Views: 10596

Re: Dashticz - Tablet Hardware

I considered getting an Amazon Fire HD8 because of the charging dock. Pick up the tablet, do your switchy-switchy, put it back to charge. Kind of like a big Harmony remote. Does anyone use a setup like that?
by MsbS
Friday 04 May 2018 11:27
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - General Discussions
Replies: 3672
Views: 522121

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Thanks for super-quick response, Rob, so git pull is still the right way to stay updated.
by MsbS
Friday 04 May 2018 10:29
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - General Discussions
Replies: 3672
Views: 522121

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

This might be a silly question that has been answered a million times, but I can't quite find the answer!

My dashticz tells me there is a new version available. However, 'git pull'-ing in the www/dashtics_v2 folder tells me 'up-to-date'.

How do I upgrade? (I am on stable/master, not on beta).
by MsbS
Thursday 09 November 2017 20:00
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - General Discussions
Replies: 3672
Views: 522121

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Ah, cool, so whatever is 'selector' in Domoticz is selector in Dashticz, and 'buttons be buttons'. Cool, I think this is the best possible solution. Thanks, for the clarification Edwin!
by MsbS
Thursday 09 November 2017 19:39
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - General Discussions
Replies: 3672
Views: 522121

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

One more beer from me, enjoy the coming weekend :)

What I noticed in the release version (just git pulled): the selectors changed to buttons after update, even though my CONFIG.js includes:
config['selector_instead_of_buttons'] = 1;

Is this perhaps now configurable on a per-tile basis?
by MsbS
Wednesday 08 November 2017 18:28
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Request: Dummy Switch type: Programmable Timer
Replies: 4
Views: 1613

Re: Request: Dummy Switch type: Programmable Timer

Bumping this thread, as in my short period with Domoticz I already found a few applications for a Dummy Clock (time picker). If I could add such switch to the interface, this would allow: - simple plan/control for any device (e.g turn off lights at 23:30) - dynamically, with no need for modification ...
by MsbS
Monday 06 November 2017 11:29
Forum: Python
Topic: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2
Replies: 82
Views: 37076

Re: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2

My Purifier (using the script from this thread) sometimes sends strange values to the T+H IDX (temperature 0, humidity 0). Did anyone have similar issue? For now, I added an 'if', which does not send the 0/0 data, but maybe there is a better fix. The aqi reading is correct, no strange values (unless ...
by MsbS
Saturday 04 November 2017 22:51
Forum: Suggestions
Topic: Outside Air Quality into Weather Tab
Replies: 2
Views: 777

Re: Outside Air Quality into Weather Tab

I did exactly this a few days ago. Here's how. 1. Get API key 2. Find out the ID of a station next to you, by opening the following in the browser:[Insert Token Here]&keyword=Budapest You need the 'uid' field. 3. Create a Dummy Sensor in Domoticz (Custom Sensor ...
by MsbS
Saturday 04 November 2017 9:14
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Dashticz - Feature Requests
Replies: 391
Views: 103154

Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

One setting I'd like is to be able to set one of the screens as default when you open Dashticz - right now it is always screens[1]. This would make it possible to have 1 main screen in the middle, 1 on the left and 1 on the right. I know I can set the 'auto swipe back to #2, but on page refreshI'd ...
by MsbS
Friday 03 November 2017 9:22
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - General Discussions
Replies: 3672
Views: 522121

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Quick question (probably trivial). I have a custom sensor, but it is not clickable - I would like to see a graph when I click it (like e.g. for temperature readings). When I create a graph tile ('graph_[IDX]') it works fine, so the data is there.
by MsbS
Thursday 26 October 2017 18:46
Forum: Dashticz
Topic: Dashticz - General Discussions
Replies: 3672
Views: 522121

Re: Dashticz - General Discussions

Is there a way to make an empty block (no data and no background)? This would be cool for alignment purposes. Basically - to leave empty space in column.
by MsbS
Thursday 26 October 2017 13:00
Forum: Python
Topic: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2
Replies: 82
Views: 37076

Re: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2

OK, I think I have this sorted out. I'll leave it here for others who can be struggling. The key was to install the correct version of nodejs, as per this page: So, running: curl -sL https://deb.nodesource ...
by MsbS
Thursday 26 October 2017 10:17
Forum: Python
Topic: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2
Replies: 82
Views: 37076

Re: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2

tho071088 wrote: Thursday 26 October 2017 9:47 You have to update node a new version.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install node

Are you on Raspbian Jessie ?
I'm on Raspbian Stretch - the newer one. Did update, upgrade, install. I get: 'node is already the newest version (0.3.2-7.4).'
by MsbS
Thursday 26 October 2017 9:31
Forum: Python
Topic: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2
Replies: 82
Views: 37076

Re: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2

If nothing is displayed, you have to add some lines to the JS file. process.on('uncaughtException', function (error) { console.log(error.stack); }); Unfortunately, this did not help. I think there's something wrong with node or with miio in my case. - when I tried 'npm install --save miio', I got a ...
by MsbS
Wednesday 25 October 2017 14:36
Forum: Python
Topic: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2
Replies: 82
Views: 37076

Re: Xiaomi Air Purifier 2

For the other one, I had to make the require this way : Not working : const miio = require('miio'); Working : const miio = require('../../../../usr/lib/node_modules/miio'); Could you replace the relative path ('../..') with a single / ? Basically : const miio = require('/usr/lib/node_modules/miio ...
by MsbS
Wednesday 25 October 2017 14:33
Forum: Other questions and discussions
Topic: Logitech Media Server
Replies: 409
Views: 86436

Re: Logitech Media Server

gijsje wrote: Saturday 21 October 2017 12:37 Me 3
Any solution for an empty remote??
Same here, Win10 Firefox, but I noticed the buttons appear correctly when you hover over them (then disappear again).
by MsbS
Thursday 28 September 2017 13:30
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Changing platform from RPi?
Replies: 7
Views: 2129

Re: Changing platform from RPi?

Or maybe one that could use my NAS for boot/storage. Btw: the NAS is now Synology, so no way of installing Domoticz there. You can perfectly run Domoticz on a Synology NAS. Stupid typo: I wanted to write 'is NOT Synology', not 'is now Synology' :) Sorry, I know I could install Domoticz on Synology ...
by MsbS
Thursday 28 September 2017 13:06
Forum: Installation, Compiling, Permissions, Security and Starting
Topic: Changing platform from RPi?
Replies: 7
Views: 2129

Changing platform from RPi?

My Domoticz is currently running just fine on an RPi3 (along with Logitech Media Server and Pi-Hole). But I started getting worried about SD breaking down, I suppose the vast majority of Writes come from Domoticz in my case. I thought about migrating the Domoticz bit to a Linux-based box with HDD ...
by MsbS
Saturday 26 August 2017 23:14
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Espeasy with several sensors connected
Replies: 2
Views: 2292

Re: Espeasy with several sensors connected

I currently have a Wemos with ESPEASY running that has these connected and communicating to Domoticz: - MH-Z19b CO2 sensor - DHT22 Sensor for Temp&Humidity - BMP180 sensor for Temp&Presure - 2 x BH1750 sensors for Lux reading. All working nicely on one Wemos. :-) Jos Cool, thanks. T+H+B, PM2.5, CO2 ...
by MsbS
Saturday 26 August 2017 12:06
Forum: ESP8266
Topic: Espeasy with several sensors connected
Replies: 2
Views: 2292

Espeasy with several sensors connected

I am planning to upgrade my Domoticz setup with some sensors based on EspEasy (D1 mini and BME280 are en route already). But I just started wondering: will I be able to connect a few different sensors to one EspEasy? Like - build a T+H+B and dust PM2.5 for the bedroom, using 1 D1 uC with BME280 and ...